41. You’re Stronger Than You Know

“How am I stronger?” you ask.

Girl, did you know that you have what it takes to fight back when life gets rough? That’s right! If you’re a Jesus follower, you have His authority behind you…something you’ve maybe never heard of or even knew you had. You are fierce! Join the girls today as they talk with Joyce and dig into some hands-on tactics and scriptures that have helped them discover their authority in Christ and face the challenges of life head-on. 

Whether your battle is a carsick kid in a storm, or something more serious like the betrayal of a spouse, listen in for a practical run-through of steps to fight back when you find yourself battling the enemy in your everyday life.

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Welcome to the Talk It Out podcast with Joyce Meyer, Ginger Stache and Erin Cluley! To learn more, visit our website at joycemeyer.org or download the Joyce Meyer Ministries app. By supporting Joyce Meyer Ministries, you can help us reach hurting people around the world. To find out more, go to joycemeyer.org/donate