49. Feeling Lonely?

We know the holidays aren’t always full of cheer. So if you’re feeling lonely, cozy up with your favorite blanket and warm beverage for a Christmas heart-to-heart! Today, Ginger’s rocking her hot chocolate mustache, the girls find a sermon in a Christmas song, and they each share several usable, real-life action steps that will help you combat loneliness. Whether you’re by yourself or in a room full of people this year, you’re never truly alone. Join us girls for a fun + eye-opening conversation, and a virtual get-together that will warm your heart. Merry Christmas, beautiful! XOXOXOXO, Ginger + Jai + Erin

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Welcome to the Talk It Out podcast with Joyce Meyer, Ginger Stache and Erin Cluley! To learn more, visit our website at joycemeyer.org or download the Joyce Meyer Ministries app. By supporting Joyce Meyer Ministries, you can help us reach hurting people around the world. To find out more, go to joycemeyer.org/donate