77. A Real-Life Gripe Session

We’ve all got at least one thing to gripe about, don’t we? Whether it’s traffic, a messy house, relationship struggles, financial strain, technology not working, prolonged physical pain or something else entirely, it can be so easy to fall into the habit of complaining. Join the girls as they welcome Megan Rossman back to the set to talk out real-life frustrations they’re each going through and discover the key to acknowledging your complaints without letting them run your mind or your life.

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Welcome to the Talk It Out podcast with Joyce Meyer, Ginger Stache and Erin Cluley! To learn more, visit our website at joycemeyer.org or download the Joyce Meyer Ministries app. By supporting Joyce Meyer Ministries, you can help us reach hurting people around the world. To find out more, go to joycemeyer.org/donate