33 Kid Gigawatt | On 3 things that made us better autism parents, plus 5 coping tools for bumpy days

Thrilled to be joined by my husband to discuss three things we feel have made us better autism parents people. I hope listening to these will get you thinking about how your past experiences relate to the spectrum.

Don't skip the last bit, where I list out our five favorite coping tools (spoiler alert: one of these may involve Jon Stewart, but I can neither confirm nor deny.) <--it's true!

Here is the link-o-rama mentioned on the episode:

Kid Gigawatt website: http://www.kidgigawatt.com

Kid Gigawatt blog, called Thread & Wing: Navigating Autismland: http://kidgigawatt.com/blogs/news

Kid Gigawatt movie teaser: http://www.bitly.com/kgfilm

And... why are we doing this? http://kidgigawatt.com/blogs/news/10835741-romans-holiday

DSM 5: http://www.dsm5.org/Pages/Default.aspx <--you can also use this as a fast-acting sleeping aid

My Autism Team: http://www.myautismteam.com 

Jon Stewart: http://thedailyshow.cc.com

Email me at kelley@kidgigawatt.com with any suggestions, comments or additions to my lists- I already like you for being here! :)



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Om Podcasten

Launched by parents of an infectiously funny and *mostly* happy boy on the spectrum, the Joyriding in Autismland podcast chats with ASD parents, kiddos, therapists, writers, and artists about the unexpected, charming, and funny moments with autism. Because laughing? Is the best vacation. Find the show notes online at http://www.joyridinginautismland.com/podcast