Special Announcement: Work It Daily's Virtual Job Search Summit

Hi there! The Work It Daily team is SO excited to announce that we're hosting another Virtual Job Search Summit. We hosted our first one back in July, and the energy was so incredible. It was so in-demand that we kept getting asked, "when's the next one?" Well, it's coming up soon, folks. The next Virtual Job Search Summit is happening on Tuesday August 18th from 10 a.m .to 4:30 p.m. EST. It's $10 to sign up. You can also access the recording for 7 days after the summit wraps. Even if you can't attend, pass the link along to your network — you never know who could need this right now! Here's the link to sign up: https://workitdaily.lpages.co/how-to-find-job-search-summit/ Thanks! And remember, if you want to win, you have to work it daily. 

Om Podcasten

School taught us everything — except HOW to get the job. That's where J.T. steps in. Join J.T. O'Donnell, a LinkedIn influencer and founder of Work It Daily, as she provides industry-leading insights into job search and career growth. She's on a mission to help 1 million grow their careers, and YOU could be one of them!