We Can Finally Discuss This Incident
We invite you to our 50 state RV book tour. The cost is too much, but the content is priceless! Join us this week as we plan out a book tour, talk about our scariest meet up, and of course round it out with another AITAH.For transcripts of this week's podcast click HERE:Thank you to this week's sponsors:Zoc Doc: Go to Zocdoc dot com slash JUNKYARD and download the Zocdoc app for FREE. Then find and book a top-rated doctor today.For more Mayhem follow:@junkyardmayhem@shaneburcaw@hannahayl FacebookWebsiteWe would love your feedback... If you enjoyed this episode, tell us why! Leave us a review and make sure you subscribe on your favorite podcast platform.Executive Producers are Riley Peleuses + Michaela Garrison for YEA Networks / YEA PodcastsIf you are interested in advertising on this podcast or having Shane and Hannah as guests on your Podcast, Radio Show, or TV Show, reach out to podcast@yeanetworks.com