[Hague Courts] Questioning nationality at the ICJ: Looking back at the Nottebohm case with Dr Péter D. Szigeti
In this episode, Carl discusses the International Court of Justice’s 1955 Nottebohm (Liechtenstein v. Guatemala) judgment with Dr Péter D. Szigeti of the University of Alberta. What is special about this case? What questions has it left open? And ought the ICJ reconsider the role international law perhaps should play in respect to certain questions concerning the nationality of individuals? Judgments Nottebohm (Liechtenstein v. Guatemala) - Literature recommended by Dr Szigeti: Cindy G. Buys, Nottebohm's Nightmare: Have We Exorcised the Ghosts of WWII Detention Programs or Do They Still Haunt Guantanamo?, 11 Chicago-Kent J. Int'l & Comp. L. 1-73 (2011) Peter J. Spiro, Nottebohm and 'Genuine Link': Anatomy of a Jurisprudential Illusion, Investment Migration Working Papers IMC-RP2019/1 (2019) Atossa Araxa Abrahamian, The Cosmopolites: The Coming of the Global Citizen (2015) Noora Lori, Offshore Citizens: Permanent Temporary Status in the Gulf (2019)