[Hague Courts] The Peace Palace and the 'building' of the international community with Prof. Tanja Aalberts and Dr Sofia Stolk

In this episode, Prof. Tanja Aalberts and Dr Sofia Stolk share their research on the ‘building’ of the international community - The Peace Palace. What role did a curious ritual of gift-giving play in constituting the international community? What transnational, bureaucratic and monetary considerations (and bickering) were at play in the construction of the Peace Palace? If you want to read more about what is discussed in this episode, please check out the articles by our guests below- (both open access): T. Aalberts. and S. Stolk. Building (of) the international community: a history of the Peace Palace through transnational gifts and local bureaucracy T. Aalberts. and S. Stolk. The Peace Palace: Building (of) The International Community And also have a look at the Legal Sightseeing website: www.legalsightseeing.org

Om Podcasten

How is it that a movie about a children’s toy can raise tensions over territorial sovereignty? And why is it that certain international disputes draw more global attention than others? This monthly educational podcast by the Asser Institute, research centre for international and European law, explores such questions. It focuses on the stories behind international legal concepts and issues that shape our world.