3-Way, 4-Bet, 5/10, 10-High... w/ Special Guest Andrew Neeme - Episode 68a
More Great Poker Content!Learn about our partners, Solve For Why!Sign up for Solve for Why TV and get 5% off anything in the store with coupon code Justhands2019! Andrew's Poker VlogLocation: The BellagioStakes: 5/10 PreflopHero (2200) raises to 30 with AK UTG+1, MP1(900) 3bets to 70, BTN (1500) calls, BB (Covers) calls, Hero 4bets to 340, MP1 calls, BTN folds, BB callsFlop (1095) T84rBB checks, Hero bets 420, MP1 folds, BB callsTurn (1935) KoBB checks, Hero bets 680, BB shoves, Hero?