Disgusting River Bets w/ Special Guest Zach Elwood - Episode 51a

For more great content head to http://www.justhandspoker.comTo check out Zach Elwood's video on Pius Heinz tells, head to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aqdRrRriziALocation: Aria, VegasStake: 5/10Villain1 is 30-year-old or so woman. Playing pretty well for several hours, from what I could tell. One of the better players on table, from what I could tell. I have about $1500 and she has $1100. Villain 2 is a loose young guy seen semibluffing.Preflop: Villain 1 raises to $35 UTG+2. Hero calls AT...

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Through the Just Hands Podcast, we aim to give listeners an opportunity to hear how high level players discuss a hand of poker. By hearing us discuss all of the elements that go into poker decision making, players will gain insights into cash game strategy and acquire the necessary tools to analyze leaks in their own playing. Ultimately, we hope to create or sustain a lifelong love for and ability to win at poker in each of our listeners.