101 - The Pilot (w/ Max Mutchnick)

On the first episode of Just Jack & Will, Sean & Eric review the Will & Grace pilot, finding lots to love and some hairstyles to regret. They talk about the sharp writing, the vivid sets, the little details that can indicate a character’s backstory, and wonder how on earth anyone could have missed that Will is gay. Then, they welcome co-creator Max Mutchnick as their very first guest, who tells us about everything from the original show pitch to casting to the theme song. Shalom, our lonesome prairie dogs. Have a question about Will & Grace, especially Season 1? We want to hear them! Email us at JustJackAndWill@gmail.com, call or text to 818-308-4012, maybe the gentlemen will answer your question on the show!

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An iconic duo is back! Sean Hayes and Eric McCormack return to host the ultimate Will & Grace re-watch podcast. Each week on JUST JACK & WILL, Sean, who has never seen it before, and Eric, who may have seen it too much, break down an episode of Will & Grace with charm and chemistry. They revisit jokes, share never before heard stories, reunite with their fellow cast members and fabulous guest stars, and showcase the team who helped Will & Grace win an astounding 18 Emmy Awards. Subscribe to SiriusXM Podcasts+ on Apple Podcasts to listen to ad-free episodes.