114 and 115 - Big Brother Is Coming (w/ Max Mutchnick and David Kohan)

This week on Just Jack & Will, oh brother, it’s a big bonus size two-parter, the first To Be Continued in Will & Grace history! Sean & Eric cover both installments of this family affair, as Will’s estranged brother Sam comes to town, and it takes Grace to make the peace, to break the peace, and Jack and Karen to lay down some hard truths. Then, they welcome co-creators and co-writers of these episodes, Max Mutchnick and David Kohan, to talk about building out our characters’ family lives, FINGO-U, and the surreptitious sneeze that was not heard all around the world. Honey, if catty were a perfume, you’d reek of it. Have a question about Will & Grace, especially Season 1? We want to hear them! Email us at JustJackAndWill@gmail.com, call or text to 818-308-4012, maybe the guys will answer your question on the show!

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An iconic duo is back! Sean Hayes and Eric McCormack return to host the ultimate Will & Grace re-watch podcast. Each week on JUST JACK & WILL, Sean, who has never seen it before, and Eric, who may have seen it too much, break down an episode of Will & Grace with charm and chemistry. They revisit jokes, share never before heard stories, reunite with their fellow cast members and fabulous guest stars, and showcase the team who helped Will & Grace win an astounding 18 Emmy Awards. Subscribe to SiriusXM Podcasts+ on Apple Podcasts to listen to ad-free episodes.