13. Lament of an Egyptian Revolutionary with Aida Seif El-Dawla

Why aren't we seeing massive pro-Palest!ne demonstrations in Egypt, when we know an overwhelming majority of its people support the liberation of Palest!ne? Dr. Aida Seif El-Dawla, a retired psychiatrist and human rights defender conveys the sense of defeat and tragedy many progressives in Egypt feel. The revolution of 2011 came so close to achieving the change Egypt so desperately needs - and it also came very close to changing Egypt's policy toward its neighbour Israel. But in the end it failed. Today's episode can be sen as a lament of the Egyptian revolution, specifically as it pertains to the issue of Palest!ne. For continuous updates and posts about Middle Eastern history, follow us on Instagram @kalampodcast. If you want to support us, you can do so by joining the Kalam Community at patreon.com/kalampodcast

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Kalam is a podcast about the culture, history and politics of the Middle East. Hosted by seasoned radio journalist Edgar Mannheimer, Kalam aims to be a source of knowledge and understanding about a region of the world that is so often misunderstood.