#94 – Keen on Yoga Podcast with Gregor Maehle

Gregor is the international author of eight textbooks covering all eight limbs of yoga. He is a mystic and a profuse blog writer covering topics on yoga and beyond. He travels the globe educating with passion, humour, insight and wisdom. Gregor Maehle began his practice of Raja Yoga in 1978 and added Hatha Yoga a few years later. In the mid-1980s he commenced annual travels to India, where he studied with various yogic and tantric masters, traditional Indian sadhus and ascetics. After practising with BKS Iyengar he spent fourteen months in Mysuru, and in 1997 was authorised to teach Ashtanga Yoga by K. Pattabhi Jois. In India Gregor also received eight months of mostly one-on-one instruction in scripture and the higher limbs of Yoga through B.N.S. Iyengar, a student of T. Krishnamacharya. He also studied Sanskrit under Professor Narayanachar and Dr Chandrasekhar. He lived for several years as a recluse, studying Sanskrit and yogic scripture and practising yogic techniques. This is the third time Gregor joins Adam, this time talking about his latest book How To Find Your Life’s Diving Purpose.  Including the talking points below. Human aspects of the divine Bhakti yoga within asana Surrendering to the diving through practice, asana, pranayama, meditation Is concentration devotion? Co-creating with the divine what aspect you were here to express Importance of your Swah dharma - your own dharma Pancha kosha - teaching of the 5 layers, cleansing of impact of past traumas on your body, breath and mind Objective and objectless samadhi Shiva pure consciousness, eternal awareness Shakti female aspect of the divine What is your role in the play & how far can you go with your gift? Life is the child of the divine The divine is here and now How you act in this world matters Everything you see is the crystallised body of God Indigenous practices, walkabouts Vijnanamaya kasha Your duty in society, giving to the world Self love as a pure spiritual state Accepting that state within you We are all children of the divine   Find Gregor: Instagram: @gregor.maehle Website: https://8limbs.com/about/gregor-maehle/ If you enjoy the Keen on Yoga Podcast and would like to support us you can share this post, give us a review on Apple or Spotify or make a donation .  We appreciate your help to us keep creating free content for all.      

Om Podcasten

Adam Keen engages in a deep level of discussion with Ashtanga yoga teachers as well as others involved in inquiry, wellness, diet, or simply people he finds interesting. The in-depth discussions and honest conversations are often surprising. Prepare to have your thoughts expanded. If you enjoy the podcast and would like to support us you can do so by liking, sharing, rating and donating at https://keenonyoga.com/donate/