#96 – Keen on Yoga Podcast with Daniel Simpson
Daniel presents ancient texts for modern times. He is the author of The Truth of Yoga, a comprehensive guide to the history of practice. His approach combines scholarly knowledge with humour and insight, making yoga philosophy accessible and relevant to practitioners today. Daniel teaches courses online, at the Oxford Centre for Hindu Studies, around the UK and internationally. He also offers private tutoring. Drawing on a master’s degree from SOAS (University of London), and two decades of experience, he aims to help students explore their own path. He supplements his teaching with work as an editor. In this episode Daniel talks to Adam about: Sanatarma Dharma The Vedas Upanishads Shruti Family Vedas Rig veda The quest for satisfaction in the outside world Origins of Hinduism Aryans Brahma and Brahmins Advaita vedanta Darshanas Sadhus Vaishnavism Shivaism The ultimate oneness Dualism Patanjali’s yoga sutras Ashtanga yoga where did it come from The eight limbs as a way to remove suffering One pointed focus Yamas and niyamas Use of asana Find Daniel: Website: https://www.danielsimpson.info/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/danielcsimpson/ If you enjoy the Keen on Yoga Podcast and would like to support us you can share this post, give us a review on Apple or Spotify or make a donation . We appreciate your help to us keep creating free content for all.