The Liberating Power of Witchcraft: Recovering From Spiritual Programming

Coyote Mae and Dr. Cyndi explored the intersection of spiritual programming and liberation through witchcraft. Focusing on their personal journeys and observations, they discussed the insidious nature of spiritual conditioning, from how it shows up in pagan practices to the unconscious restrictions on personal practice. Respect for varying spiritual paths by seeking to understand rather than dominate, and how self-discipline is a key of personal liberation are also covered.    This chat goes well with "Rixipyle: The Liberator," in Entering Hekate's Cave: The Journey Through Darkness To Wholeness by Cyndi Brannen, PhD. Available wherever books are sold.   Watch with CC and access the searchable transcript:

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Join me as I explore the healing journey through psychology, personal development, mythology, and transcendent experiences at the crossroads of modern life and the deeper world. Claim, and keep, your unique keys. Devoted to the ancient goddess Hekate as World Soul. About me: Cyndi Brannen is an author, herbalist, psychologist, and teacher, merging her years of experience studying health and relationships with the traditional wisdom of the goddess. Learn more about Cyndi's work at