171: Reduce Stress with Hesychasm
171: Reduce Stress with Hesychasm Today we are exploring ways to improve and or obtain mental wellness through a practice called hesychasm. Today's Lexi: φύση - Fysi - Nature In Today’s Episode: More than ever, stress is killing us. Many people complain about the pace of life and how it prohibits peace of mind and rest. How can we manage this phenomenon more well known to the masses as stress?One way to break free from stress, which can inflame your body, is to adapt a form of hesychasm. This episode explores what is Hesychasm and how can you make it practical. Credits: Music: Spiro Dussias Vocals: Zabrina Hay Graphic Designer: Susan Jackson O’Leary 🫒 Purchase the finest, yummiest extra virgin olive oil from Kalamata, Greece at KefiLife.com!🫒 Please be sure to follow the Kefi L!fe podcast to ensure that you are Ola Kala in mind, body and soul! Insta: @kefilife_LinkedIn: Kiki ValeKefiLife.com For a natural and uplifting support with your health and wellness, connect with Kiki to discover the beauty of essentials oils: my.doterra.com/kefilife. This episode made possible in part by: The Law Offices of Liston & Tsantilis — Ranked #1 LTLawChicago.com and Kingdom Farms Wholesale Meats KingdomFarms.com This podcast is for informational and educational purposes only. None of the information should be construed as medical advice. Users are encouraged to seek professional medical assistance for any significant health-related matters.