How Fatherhood Changes Career Goals (Antonio Ivanovski) - KNN Ep. 180

Antonio Ivanovski (A.I.) is husband and father of two amazing kids who works as a senior data analyst at Google working on protecting Google's ad ecosystem from invalid traffic. Antonio has experience working at Verizon as an A.I. Product Manager and as a Business Intelligence Analyst. When not working, Antonio is spending time with family, playing sports, or researching crypto. In todays episode we learn how one mentor shaped Antonio's career, how he was able to advance quickly in his career...

Om Podcasten

The Ken's Nearest Neighbors Podcast is about telling the unique stories of the people in the data and AI space. In highly technical fields, we often lose sight of the individuals who are making the positive change. The podcast focuses on who these people are and how they have approached the big decisions in their life that shaped their world view and career. While the podcast is centered on a technical domain, the conversations often touch on personal philosophy, the pursuit of meaning, and how we define success in our career and lives.