#299. 鐵達尼號其實有收到冰山警告

The British merchant steamship SS Mesaba sent a warning radio message to the Titanic on April 15, 1912 while crossing the Atlantic. The message was received by the Titanic but did not reach the main control center of the vessel. 英屬 SS Mesaba 在 1912 年 4/15 有送警告給鐵達尼,然而這封警告信卻沒轉給鐵達尼的主控室。 ---- Cervin 三用環保袋,早鳥 54 折優惠 https://r.zecz.ec/wcjS 免費電子報:Podcast 字稿、國際新聞整理 https://www.kevinenglishpodcast.com/podcast-opt-in -- Hosting provided by SoundOn

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