#326. 演員 Jimmy O’Yang 禁止爸爸出席活動(Part 2)

上次講到 Jimmy 的爸爸上台怯場,對此 Simu 反問 Jimmy「但爸爸怯場,百分之多少是你的錯,百分之多少是爸爸的錯?」Yeah, but how much of that is his fault? And how much of that is your fault? Were you coaching him? Were you running it with him? How is this my fault? ---- 訂閱 Podcast 講義,含逐字稿、重點單字,超過 200 份講義,立即閱讀 https://www.zeczec.com/projects/kevin-english-podcast?r=k67341249890 -- Hosting provided by SoundOn

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