#330. 保持紀律的 5 個好習慣(Part 4)
我們的習慣很多都是被社會規範所養成,我們對事情的選擇、認定事情的對錯也都是取決於社會的期待。所以,如果我們希望維持紀律、達成某個特定目標,可以接近跟我們目標一致的群體。 ---- 本集節目由【InBody】贊助播出 業界最精準的 InBody 家用型體脂計,再也不用到健身房花錢測量體脂率了 現在到以下連結可享優惠價 $10990,輸入折扣碼「kevin」再折一千!限時七天!即日起至 2/13 23:59 分截止 👉 https://reurl.cc/330GmM ---- 聽力填空格 5 題: #1 So many of our habits are s______ r______. #2 Or you walk onto an elevator and you turn around to f____ t____ f_____, even though you could f____ t____ b____ or the side or whatever. #3 But that's not what people do, so you do what e______ e____ d____. #4 So I think the punchline to this is that you want to join a group where your d______ b_____ is the normal behavior, #5. So social environment is a big driver of whether you s_____ t___ h_____ for the long run and joining groups that have your desired habits I think it's a great way to reinforce those for good. ---- 訂閱 Podcast 講義,含逐字稿、重點單字,超過 200 份講義,立即閱讀 https://www.zeczec.com/projects/kevin-english-podcast?r=k67341249890 -- Hosting provided by SoundOn