#331. 保持紀律的 5 個好習慣(Part 5)
壞習慣為什麼容易養成?其實是因為壞習慣往往會提供立即的好處。例如,吃甜點會得到立即的快樂,但如果連續一兩年一直吃很多零食,可能體重會增加。相反的,好習慣沒有立即好處,卻要長時間的養成才會得到好處。Meanwhile, good habits are often the exact opposite. The immediate reward of going to the gym or going to the gym for like a week isn't really that great, your body's probably sore, and you don't have much to show for it, your body looks the same, your weight hasn't really changed. ---- 免費電子報:Podcast 字稿、國際新聞整理 https://www.kevinenglishpodcast.com/podcast-opt-in -- Hosting provided by SoundOn