#332. 我們每天該睡幾個小時?(Part 1)

人一天應該睡多久?六、七、還是八小時?其實,人多睡眠時間沒有一定,而是要看每個人自己的需求而決定。對我來講八小時剛好,我太太通常需要十到十二小時。I think the key thing for me is that one shoe size doesn't fit all. And one of the sort of slight frustrations that that's emerged is that an average value is taken as the optimum value for all of us. And of course it isn't. ---- 免費電子報:Podcast 字稿、國際新聞整理 https://www.kevinenglishpodcast.com/podcast-opt-in -- Hosting provided by SoundOn

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