#336. 如何建立長久的愛情(Part 1)
想跟另一半建立良好的關係,其中第一個重要的就是 being nice to each other。除此之外,就是要能夠表達對彼此的喜歡,讓另一半知道你認為他很迷人。So one of the things is being nice to one another. So giving your partner compliments, you know, catching your partner doing something right and, and communicating that, communicating respect and affection in words, letting your partner know how attractive they are to you and how irresistible they seem at times. You know, those that kind of positivity is very, very critical. ---- 訂閱 Podcast 講義,含逐字稿、重點單字,超過 200 份講義。 https://www.zeczec.com/projects/kevin-english-podcast?r=k67341249890 -- Hosting provided by SoundOn