#338. 如何建立長久的愛情(Part 3)
試著不要對伴侶指責,也不要跟對方說自己不喜歡對方做的事情,而是試著用讚美的方式溝通。讓對方知道如果他收拾會讓你很高興,而不要責罵對方為什麼都不幫忙。Talking about your needs, with one another, what do you need and we emphasize you should bring up your needs as a positive need rather than a negative need. And what that means is that you ask for what you do want, not what you don't like, or you resent. Don't bring that up, because that's going to sound like criticism. ---- 訂閱 Podcast 講義,含逐字稿、重點單字,超過 200 份講義。 https://www.zeczec.com/projects/kevin-english-podcast?r=k67341249890 -- Hosting provided by SoundOn