#421. I spend my time to accompany with my family… 這句為什麼錯?P.S. 參加 Kevin 英文演講、

On weekends, I spend most of my time to accompany with my family Spend my time / spend (most of) my time 是特定用法,後面通常接動名詞 → I spend most of my time accompanying with my family. I avoid eating meat. He suggests trying that new restaurant. I have a hard time learning math. ---- 4/22 我會在台大演講,分享近幾年教學,發現大家最容易錯的英文,以及讓你英文進步的正確觀念。 雖然標題是針對學生,但只要你有在學英文,或是想加強英文,都一定會從我演講的內容更了解怎麼學英文。最後也會有 QA 時間讓大家發問。 👉 演講詳情: - 時間:4/22(星期一)1:50 PM-3:20 PM(1:20開放報到) - 地點:台大外語教學暨資源中心(辛亥路校門進去,語言訓練測驗中心旁邊) - 場次:大學生該如何學好英文?(Tips for English Language Learning) 🎯 報名方式: 1. 點連結辦帳號 https://my.ntu.edu.tw/actregister/sessionView.aspx?actID=20245161_04&sesID=2 2. 登入後點下面的連結(右上有報名按鈕) https://ntufltc.pse.is/20240422 -- Hosting provided by SoundOn

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