#443 巧克力餅乾是怎麼發明的
So, it's 1930 in Whitman, Massachusetts. There’s a small inn called the Toll House Inn, and it’s run by Ruth Wakefield. Ruth is well-known for making amazing cookies that everyone loves. 片語動詞 run by 某人經營 常見組合 Something is well-known 廣為人知 This is a well-known song that kids like. One day, Ruth is in the kitchen getting ready to make her usual cookies. But there's a problem—she’s out of baker’s chocolate, the kind she usually melts into the dough. Instead of giving up, Ruth decides to try something new. She grabs a bar of Nestlé semi-sweet chocolate, thinking it will melt into the dough just like the other chocolate. -- Hosting provided by SoundOn