#462. 美國知名 YouTuber 飆車 150 公里

Marques Brownlee is dealing with another backlash. Fans of Brownlee are furious that his latest video, titled “How My Video Gear is Changing!” is a fully sponsored segment for DJI. The video also contained a clip of Brownlee driving a sports car way over the speed limit on a suburban road. 搭配詞 dealing with 處理、應對 She is dealing with a difficult customer at work. 語塊 be furious 非常生氣、憤怒 He was furious when he found out about the mistake. way over something 遠超過… ​​The cost of the project went way over the budget. -- Hosting provided by SoundOn

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我用輕鬆聊天的方式教你英文,每週三、五早上更新。 -- Hosting provided by SoundOn