#479. 美國大裁員:禽流感團隊被炒又被請回
The USDA is scrambling to rehire workers fired from its bird flu response team after mass layoffs across the federal government. Initially, the agency defended the cuts as part of a government efficiency plan but quickly reversed course when key health roles were affected. scrambling to rehire 急著重新聘請 The company is scrambling to rehire workers after a sudden increase in demand. mass layoffs 大規模裁員 The tech industry is experiencing mass layoffs due to economic downturns. --- 訂閱電子報:收到我的英文學習資源 https://www.kevinenglishpodcast.com/podcast-opt-in 有英文疑問?歡迎提問 https://forms.gle/cCRwCxVAwjLtjqan6 -- Hosting provided by SoundOn