#480. 自 2015 年來首例,德州未接種兒童死於麻疹

A school-age child has died from measles in west Texas. The death of the child, who was not vaccinated for measles, was confirmed by state and local health officials and comes after weeks of a growing outbreak that spans Texas and New Mexico. Vaccinated ​​接種疫苗 Confirmed 已確認 A growing outbreak 不斷擴大的疫情 Spans 橫跨 The bridge spans across the wide river, connecting the two cities. --- 訂閱電子報:收到我的英文學習資源 https://www.kevinenglishpodcast.com/podcast-opt-in 有英文疑問?歡迎提問 https://forms.gle/cCRwCxVAwjLtjqan6 -- Hosting provided by SoundOn

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