1/13/24: Matthew 28
Seeing Matthew in a different light; Biblical times; Repetitive history; Control over your life; Tower of Babel; Seeking His kingdom and righteousness; Comfort in darkness/lies; What is missing; 1 Cor 5:7; "leaven"; Collapse of Rome; No coveting!; Fornicating with the world; Snared by debt; Christ's table; Greatest destroyers of liberties; Your inheritance in the kingdom; "Love"; Your deception; Denying Tree of Life; Morality; Legal charity; Corban taxes; Welfare via fervent charity; Changing ourselves?; Betraying/denying Christ; Dan 7:13; Destroying liberty; "Second coming"; Mt 28:1; Lk 24:9; Women at the tomb; Jn 20:19; Doing the will of the Father; Inconvenient truths; Christ's weightier matters?; Flashbacks?; Angelic light; Socialism is anti-Christ; Nimrod the hunter? For the Lord?; Subtlety; "Worship"; Knowing Christians; Socialism in the United States; Degenerating society; Bondage of Egypt; Real awakening?; Translation comparisons; Alterations of word meanings; Straying from the simple course; The Way of Christ; The gospel message; 1) Repent - change your thinking; 2) Seek the kingdom of God and His righteousness; 3) All the rest added unto you; Benefit bribery; What made America great?; The "watch"; Mt 27:65; Bribing the soldiers; Seeing the light in others; Missing the big truths; Burnt offerings; Fornication/adultery; Exousia; Opposing God; Making God's word of none effect; The Great Commission; Teaching corrupted gospel of the kingdom; The mountain?; Jn 21:1; Flight of Elizabeth; Unexplained biblical passages; Watching and praying; Tempting God?; What are you doing to seek the kingdom?; Mt 28:18 "power"; Covenanting with other gods; Fixing society; Setting the captive free; Convincing to kill; Gathering in love; Freedom of Religion; Baptism - bringing others into the kingdom; Tens, hundreds and thousands; Doing Christ's instructions; Election sign story; Fear not!