10/2/21: Nahum 1 - Nahum's Vision
Can't fix everybody else; Evil's goal; "Resist"; Outlandish crimes; Democracy; The fear motivator; "For your safety"; Nazis?; Nahum's vision; Living network; Burden of Nineveh - "massa" = tribute; nun-shen-alef; nun = fish in water; Socialism destroying society; Sweeping you away; Chet-zayin-nun = vision; Seeing yourself to see the truth; You need the Holy Spirit as a guide; Isaiah's similar vision; Spiritual vision; Isa 1:1; Prov 29:18; Keeping the law; Remaining free; Proverb's instructions; "Women" as caregivers; What is the character of the caregivers of your society?; Appetites for benefits; Forced offerings are anti-Christ; Sitting and eating with rulers; Jer 14:14; Nahum's "Jealous" - kuf-nun-vav-alef; How you became sitting in darkness?; Imaginary salvation; God's consequences are built into nature; Enemy - lamad+alef-yod-biet+yod+vav; Pharisee's "law"; Living at the expense of others; Lam 2:9; Gentiles; Pastors without vision; American slavery - bondage of Egypt; "Contracts, Covenants and Constitutions" book; Gospel "truth"; Acquitting the wicked; Dalet = selflessness = charity; Unrighteous mammon; Commit to the kingdom and righteousness; Tough love; Ez 7:26; Exercising authority = taking neighbor's choice away; Soften your heart; Blame, but forgive; Repent!; Ez 12:27; Individual journey taken together; tav-beit-lamad "world", like "kosmos"; Judge not!; Finding love for neighbor; Prepared by faith, hope and charity; Think differently; Nahum 1:13; Practicing pure religion; Bans - of Liberty or Tyranny?; Moses and Jesus in harmony; Leave judgement to God; Repent and follow righteousness; Molten systems of evil; Reassemble the real Church; Golden calf; Making word of God of none effect; Graven images; Follow the way of the Lord; Not brutish pastors; "vow"; Casting bread upon the waters; Welfare Anonymous?; God sends vision - not intellect; Family = God's institution; Church = called out; No saving yourself; Networking; Helping others prepare.