11/21/20: Roman Imperial Cult
Footnotes; No salvation in electing a new ruler; Pandemic takeaways; Comfort = enemy of truth; Righteous in generations?; Following blind guides rather than Christ; Start where Christ started; Corban; Living so God will hear you; What "religion" is; Simplicity of the gospel; Modern Church avoiding Christ's command; Natural consequences for not following His way; Voting machines issues; Paris accords; Death in convalescent homes; Honoring father and mother; Increased PCR testing - not virus specific; Comorbidities; vs smoking deaths?; 800 COVID vs 65000 smoking (Oregon); Thanksgiving gathering more regulated than cocaine; Mask cult; Believing lies does the harm; Diamond Princess cruise ship realities; Shutdown-caused deaths; Prolonged virus presence; Censoring science; The Great Reset?; World Economic Forum; Persecuting truth; No will in the people; Witchcraft; Forced contributions weakens souls; Loving truth; Seeking kingdom; Holy Spirit here from the beginning; Being doers; Covetousness cuts you off from God; Caring for neighbor by love; Defines your character; Pure religion - Church's mission; Getting stuck in rituals/habits/clothing…; Journey into yourself; Resetting to Babylon; Blinded by your choices; Roman Imperial Cult; Trans-humanism; Ethics?; Re-molding you; Coping with stress; Shutdown-caused starvation; Reduction in world population; Council of Milan; Constantine's corrupt counterfeit church; Displaying extreme to make you think plain evil is OK; Your part in today's savagery; "Build it better"?; Than God?; Nanotechnology; Law of Love; Constantine's councils; Gospel basics; Deut 27:18; Beast prophets are cursed; Follow the light of Christ; Deut 28:29; Local shutdown story; Standing up before unlawfulness; Fighting on Christ's terms; Mt 13:16; Fixing the inside; Duty to fellow man; Strengthening the poor; Warring against spiritual wickedness; Wisdom in the minority; How can you help your neighbor?; Learning the doctrine of Christ.