12/17/22: Exodus 3
Exodus = coming out - of bondage; Moses' mission; Declaration of Independence; Nature's God; Right reason; Two trees; Inspiration; Simplification; Coaxing you out of the Tree of Knowledge back to Tree of Life; "Church" discussion; Idea ology; Distorting the puzzle; Knowing Moses; Children of God; God's plan for Christ; Piecing together truth; Church networking; Returning to bondage; Fair shares?; Ekklesia = "called-out assembly" to do something; Little flock; Free people under God; Plight of Joseph; "Stimulus"; Exodus 3:1; "Horeb"; Burning bush; Nature replenishing itself; Bringing Moses out; Grounding; Oppression - strengthening; Are hard times coming soon?; Reasons for being in bondage; Taxing the rich?; Sabbath; 1 Sam 8:18; 2 Cor 6:17; Taskmasters; Serving God - being bondservants; God's "name"?; "I AM THAT I AM"; Serving through faith; (abad?) tav-ayin-beit-daleth-vav-nun + aleph-tav; Finding the right path; Seek first the kingdom and righteousness; Ex 3:15; "Levites" and "Church" called out; One form of government; Legal charity; vs Fervent charity; God of their fathers; Teaching elders; Ex 3:19; Altars; Judging begets judgement; Thriving through hard times; Portable wealth; Are you in the bondage of Egypt?; Ex 3:22; Borrow = vav-shem-aleph-lamad-hey (ask); Neighbor?; Gifts by faith; Plunder/spoil?; Moses account; Don't bind yourself; Love and charity; Kingdom through generations; Believing without signs; Becoming alive to Christ; Church authority; Public religion; Jesus' transfer of kingdom; World jealousy; Saul's folly; Servant government; Gauging your Christianity; Accepting Jesus as king; Synagogues; Losing your (pure) religion; Welfare snare; Live by faith.