12/4/10: Doctrines of Christ

Kingdom of God/Heaven at hand, The right to be ruled by God, Seeking the kingdom, It's always been here, Early Americans, becoming free souls under God, Structure of the Kingdom of Heaven, 1 minister serving 10 families, The gospel that Christ preached, Repent - from what?, Governments of Cain, Nimrod, Pharisees, What is worship?, Baptism, Obeying the commandments = loving Christ, Learning from the Holy Spirit, Saying "Lord, Lord", Tithing, Tickling your ears, Spirit vs flesh, Unforgivable sin, Even Satan "believes", Rendering to Caesar, Rome and free bread, Christ's baptism, Act upon what is given to be given more, Spiritual matters, The tree of life, letting go of vices, How to forgive, God provides, Conjuring the Holy Spirit, Church of Constantine, Loving darkness, Come to the light.

Om Podcasten

"Keys of the Kingdom" is a 1 hour (now 2 hour) radio program produced by Brother Gregory of His Holy Church. This program is devoted to talking about the Kingdom of God - what it is, where it is, and how to get there. Christ said that the Kingdom of God is at hand. Which means you can reach out and touch it. He told the Pharisees he would take the Kingdom from them and give it to a nation who would bring forth the fruits thereof. He appointed unto his "little flock" (apostles) a Kingdom. He told us to seek FIRST the Kingdom of God and His righteousness. This means now, not waiting until after we die. Does this sound good to you? Then listen further... "Keys of the Kingdom" is broadcast weekly (Saturday mornings - 10AM Central Time) on First Amendment Radio. First Amendment Radio retains exclusive rights to the program for 9 days from airing, then we can make it available to you.