4/24/21: Freewill Offerings
Micah's time - followed a different way; Charity/Love vs force; Bondage of Egypt; Lev 19:18; Serving the tents of the congregation; Altars of stone and clay; Bible's bondage warnings; Really simple gospel; Being guided by the Holy Spirit; Free souls under God; Transgression of Jacob; Social Security; Biting one another; Increasing inheritance tax; Why you're in bondage; Biblical constitutions; Oaths of office; No exercising authority; Repentance; Jesus' way; Denying Christ; Q: Cities of refuge?; Free assemblies; Apathetic citizens re-electing criminals; Licensing ministers; Government of, for and by the people; Civitas of ordained ministers; The mission of Christ; Ten-family congregations; Holy Spirit is your comforter, not men; Polybius; Translators are traitors!; Israel the republic; Limiting rulers; Limiting criminals; Contractual agreements; Church-provided arbitration; Sharing with brothers; Congregate now!