4/30/22: How the "World" Works
Church vs Religion; CovetAccepting lies; In/of the "world"; "woke"; "The Dark Places of Wisdom"; Meaning lost in translation; Physical and Spiritual realms; Mind and Soul; Creating your reality; Freedom = right to choose; FDR programs; Passports; Gypsies; "Charagma" = mark = badge of servitude = ID; Apostles/Ambassadors; Acting in the moment, dragging the past; "Turtledoves"; Capitalist Israel; Christ's priesthood; Socialist programs; Keeping Christ's commands; Influences on your spiritual mind; Free nation - free speech; 2 trees to choose from; Betraying God; Separation habits; Media brainwashing; Saving the whole world; Awakening your tree of life; Repentance; Mistaking emotion for spirit; Learn to choose wisely.