4/9/22: Dearths
"Dearth"; People shortage; Forest management; Practicality in education?; "Religion"; Believing in "God"; Understanding the Old Testament; Cognitive dissonance; Dearth of common sense; Seeking the truth; Medical kidnapping; Power corrupts; Unproven accusations; Proving innocence?; Born again? Or strongly deluded?; Becoming Real Christians; Medical kidnapping story; Food as your medicine; Natural immunity; Real Christians don't covet; vs Imaginary Christians; Modern Christian misconceptions; First Christians were Jews; No exercising authority; Temple assistance; Hearing the Holy Spirit; "Dearth" = Greek "limos"; Emperors and Christ; Christian Jews in Rome; Matt 24:7; Mark 13:8; Luke 4:25; Climate change?; Acts 7:11; Dearths leading to bondage; Inability to own gold, land, children…; Sin of Sodom and Gomorrah; Understanding nature; Acts 11:28; Thriving through dearths; Union and discipline of Christians; World-wide organized network of charity; Choosing foolishness; FEMA?; Trusting 7 men; Friends of Christ's Church; Asking governments to take from your neighbor; Christian conflict; Why do bad things happen?; Who inherits the kingdom?; Back in the bondage of Egypt; Legal Charity; Devaluing money; Implementing the solution; Standing fast; Extending liberty to your neighbor; Denying Holy Spirit; Seeing the problem; Finding kingdom within you; Galatians; "Apostolic"; Orthodox?; Societal categorization; Jews? Gentiles? Pharisees? Sadducees? Zealots? Essenes?; Pretenders; Epistles written before "Gospels"; "Church" legally defined; Rituals and ceremonies; Aiding your neighbor; Christ's weightier matters; Call no man "father" upon the earth.