4/9/22: Measuring Truth
Dearths in the land in the bible; "limos" = shortage; Corporation of God; 3-party contracting; Marriage licensing and registration; Breaking contracts; Roman temples; Social welfare systems; Sacred protection for ministers; Thwarting corruption; Forcing contributions; Kingdom appointed to apostles; "Church"; Who canonized the bible?; Misinterpreting Moses; Doctrines of Jesus Christ; Constantinian church; Ecumenical councils; Following the real Christ; Taking care of the needy; Using the bible; Are you doing the will of the Father?; Where might we be straying?; Ask questions; Interact; The legal mind of Christ; His form of government; Elder-supported network of charity; What can you afford?; Choosing your government; Setting captives free; Is the "State" your father?; Change the way you think/act.