5/22/21: Becoming Willing Christs
Kingdom in the moment; "I AM"; Deciding good and evil; Inventing God; Atheists; "god"; Patterns in nature; Degrees of knowledge; Forestry; Fauna; Cultivation; Nature's way; Global warming?; Media agenda; Overpopulation?; Deathly fear; Desiring the whole truth; Mister Scientist; Selfish pride; Letting go of knowledge; Souring by bitterness and unforgiveness; God's way requires His Holy spirit; Who decides for you?; Lessons for Joseph?; Processes built into creation; Wars and rumors of wars; Israel and Moses's rulebook; Making God happy; The love *of* Christ; The called out Church; Stone temples; Becoming Christians or perfect savages; Anti-christ ministers; Recognizing lies; Loving mercy; Becoming willing Christs; Catholic guilt; Picturing words; Giving freely; Knowledge sources; Spirit of life; Delusions of salvation; Force is not fair; The selfishness of socialism; Strangled meat; Laying down your life.