6/10/23: Emotions and Gender - replay from 5/14/16
"Emotions" defined; Origins of physical/chemical processes; Natural reproduction; No scientific consensus; Spiritual influences; Habits; Conscious experience; Phobias; Intensity of emotion; Arousal; Trauma; Abuse; Simplifying emotion; Mental state; Psychological expression; Natural gender differences; Passion; What is inside you?; Gal 5:1; Political circumcision?; Recognizing the Spirit behind ritual; Motivation and focus; Jeffrey Dahmer example; Worshipping form; Hating deeds, not people; Nicolaitans; Being manipulated by emotion; Addiction; Be still and know; Bondage forged in emotion; Psychosis; Re-mapping missing limbs?; Degrees of abuse; Passing on abusive spirit; The alternative reaction; Emotions moves you; Choice given by God; Where's the fruit?; Forgiving evil; Resisting evil; Stimulating emotions inside you; Abandonment; Patient love; Turning up the light; Evil's tactics; Who is making your choices?; Temptation; Bathroom debate; European cannibalism?; Restroom wars; Catering to "crazy"; Inability to see reality; Gender dysphoria; Perverting natural use of sexuality; Bad habits; Humoring psychosis; Reflection of spiritual problems; Can be dealt with; Forgiveness; Witchcraft?; Disserving sex reassignment patients; Seeing truth about yourself; Who haven't you forgiven?; Sacrifice; Serving one another; "Autogynephilia"; Have you been seeking His kingdom and righteousness?; Fruit of Christ; The Other realm; Spirit of Socialism; Deception; Taking care of your parents; Learning to love; Stick together! Relevance of topic; Dwindling grain reserves; Nations are people-driven; Restroom quandary; Emotion - what moves us; Causes of emotions; Feelings; Re-mapping the body; Psychoses; Solutions to the problem; Rom 1:26; Natural domination; Retaining God in your knowledge; Sexuality = creating life; Reprobate minds; What's your psychosis?; Clouded truths; Truth shall set you free!; Benefit addiction; Cause of the problem; Separating symptoms; Spartans - power-centralized society; War purpose; Selfishness; The Christian way; Benefits NOW; The right to be ruled by God; Rom 1:1; Gospel - good news - of the kingdom; Being free; Mitigating dearths; Living by faith; What made America great; Ruling your welfare; Caring for one another; Doing as Christ said; Repentance; Keeping feasts as God intended; Strengthening the poor; Addiction anonymous; Join us.After show discussion; Simplicity of the message; Destiny; Children as young adults; Learning from mistakes; Home schooling; Getting the job done; Burning Bush Festival; Local gatherings connected nation-wide; Festival purposes; Giving life; Wise charity; Cultivating change; You change first; Resist not evil; Forgiveness.