6/26/21: Amos 4 - MUST HEAR Episode!
"Minor" Prophets?; Need Holy Spirit guidance to understand; How to seek it; The keys; Loving God and neighbor; Why covenant with the gods many?; "Religion"; Bondage of Egypt; Modern "churches" are of the world; Binding and loosing; Do what He says; "Nudging" bible verses; Playing Church; "Ekklesia" = called out; Seeking His Kingdom; Are you being misled? Amos 4:1; Poetry; Different bible versions; Blame game again; Symbolic "woman"; Caregiver?; "Husband" Authority/Father; Patri/Patronous; Holding you to your agreements; "Bashan" (biet-shen-vav) = fruitfulness/faith; Repent!; Christ took kingdom away from Pharisees; It was already "at hand"; Conforming to Christ or the world?; Your choice; More drink?; Following Christ; Defining "Church"; Ordinances of Christ; "Corpus" (body); Who are called out?; What for?; Deciding good/evil for you; Church is a government; Sharing parables; Walking the "Way"; Consequences of "world" government; Breakdown of families; Skills of freedom; Rituals and ceremonies; Amos 4 - oppressing the poor; Public religion; Modern watchmen; Saving yourself; Repent!; Fat "cows" (kine); Genesis (41:2) cow dream interpretation; gimel-resh-vav-tav; (vav-tav) connects to faith; Moses' faith teachings; Samaria metaphor - ref Micah 1; Sharing truth; Amos 4:5; Free offerings?; Living by faith or force?; "Paid in full"; Covetous practices; Clean teeth; Christ's commands; Withholding rain and empty reservoirs; Righteousness is your salvation; "Palmworm" (chewing locust) ref Joel and Declaration of Independence; Becoming merchandise; Returning to the "Way"; Repent!; Idols and snares; Evidence of repentance; Recognizing idolatry; Goodnewsmen; Sin of Sodom; "Community"; Dividing the flock; Cause and effect; Socialism has existed here for 100+ years; Forming a living network; Fat leaders - palmworms; Consequence/effect built into creation; Henry's Concise Commentary; Worship; Flow of charity in the kingdom; Organized networking; Information resources; Soul-searching self; Letting God write upon your heart and mind; Sloth brings tyranny; Keeping rights secure; "MY" people; Drawing near to God; No time to waste; Repent!