6/26/21: Discussing "Keys" Document
Amos, Micah and Joel saying the same things; Choosing to live apart from God; Subjecting yourself to man's government; Neighbors biting neighbors; Human resources; Repeating history; The Christian difference; Pope Peter?; Celibacy?; Vestal virgins; Amos's fat cows; Peter and the keys of the kingdom; Divine revelation; Binding/Loosening on earth and in heaven; Mt 13:20; Discussing "Keys" document; Matt 16:13; Identity of Jesus; "Christ" = Anointed; Which misunderstanding to address first?; 1000 years; Where are we at in prophecy?; Clergy = clerks; "Church" defined; Separate (holy) ministers; Built on liberty; God's opinion is the truth; Levites; Heb 10:4; Sin and separation from God; Simple bible, simple commandments; Keeping them; John 8:43; Having ears to hear; Getting the truth; The "rock" of your knowing.