7/13/24: Mark 2
Getting a clear view of the good news; Hebrew language; "nakah" = "Smite"? Or "Establish"?; "Put to death", "Stoning"; Moses and Christ preaching the same message; Contextual understanding; Letters from Early Church time; False messiahs?; Name confusion; Living as free souls under God; Seeing the truth; Parthia connection; Filling in the answers; Mark 2 in Capernaum; Healings; Dead Sea Scrolls; Overthrowing orthodoxy?; Golden calf; Sitting in darkness; Using Tree of Knowledge?; Preaching the "word" (logos); The palsied man; Uncovering the roof; Reason for forgiving sins; Forgiveness; Defining "Blasphemy"; Denying true nature of God; Sacrificing at the altars; Burning bones?; Strange fire?; "Wrath" of God; Giver of life; Freewill offerings; Leaving judgment to God; Christ's weightier matters; Mark 2:10 "power"; Admiring Jewish philosophers; Word established by God; Followers of Jesus; "sinners"; Sharing vs forcing; "Modern" Christians; Repentance; Revealing truth; Approaching Holy Spirit; Mark 2:19; Why not fast?; Story-telling; Distraction of fasting; Bridegroom with them?; Food that feeds the spirit; Bride vs harlot based on reasoning; Metaphors; Making idols; Unlawful for sabbath?; Caeser son of God; Government dole?; Murdering Gauls; "Free" bread; Sabbath; Going into debt; Choosing to remain a servant/slave; Ruling judges; Obedience to the Father; Essenes; Pythagoras; Destroying liberty; Loving neighbor as self (charity); Teaching mercy and forgiveness; Standing in the gap; Increasing government force; Sabbath made for man? Speaking to Pharisees; The "way" of the Sabbath; No forcing neighbor!; Our dominion; Violating Sabbath; Is taxation stealing?; Coveting?; Altars are people; Distortion of the old testament; Corban = sacrifice; Being "registered"; Tables of rulers; Christ's solution; Justin's apology - assembling on Sunday (1st day); Sharing with those in need; Protection drawing subjection; The light of loving neighbor; "Worship"; Ps 69:22; Rom 11:9; Giving away God's endowments; Lk 22:25; President?; Judeo-Christian philosophy; Benefactors; Mt 20:25; Mark 10:42; Ecc 11:1; Why 7 men?; Welfare snare; Casting bread upon the waters; Red Heifer; 1 John 3:14; Loving brethren; Government of, for and by the people; Laying down our lives; Fast from force.