7/2/22: The Hippocratic Oath
Common knowledge among Christians?; "Community"; Defense of neighbor; Herman the German; Caesar and the Gauls; Aiding Ukraine; Slavery; Tribute; Bondage of Egypt; Socialism; "Church" form of government; Becoming merchandise; The Flood; Drowning fact-checkers; "The" truth; Hippocratic oath; Dentist death story; "Pessary"; Essenes; Duty to protect neighbors; Free grain from Pharaoh; Diet?; "No poison nor pessary"; Violating precepts - enforcement = cause/effect; two rivers = choice; Tower of Babel; Burning Bush Festival - August 21; Abortion; Power of Choice; Pharoah = Caesar = FDR = LBJ…; Options in Egypt; Choosing bondage; Neighbors who don't love you; One-earth language?; Gen 11 beit-shen-paya-hey (language - only 1 time); Ex 28:32 as "binding"; Zeph 3:9; Care by charity; Loving Christ; Governments of the gentiles; Offerings by consent - not force; Temple handouts; Social justice; "Apostasy"; Income tax; Public schools; Blind guides - even ministers; Choosing your river; Fitting stones together; Lawyers and politicians; Mt 22:35; Lk 7:30; Evidence of iniquity; The devil of John the Baptist; Story of the blind man cured; Real belief in Jesus; Iniquitous Pharisees; Ur and Haran; Changing OUR lives; Lk 11:45; Preaching the whole gospel; Jubile; Ways to love your neighbor; Righteousness required; Fraud?; Law "Nailed to the Cross"; Eschewing excuses; Repent of the world's persuasion.