7/9/22: Attacking Your Delusion
Deuteronomy - Moses on Kingdom of God; Inaccurate understanding of Moses; Burden of government; Tower of Babel; "Cities" in the bible; "Law"; Demon stories; Biting one another; Mystery Babylon; Burning Bush Festival - August 21st; Read the bills!; Oregon government corruption; US Constitution and Articles of Confederation; Condemning slavery; Altering your view of history; The rest of the truth; Apathy of the people; Acquiescence; How much truth can you handle?; Attacking your delusion; Solution to the lies; Nimrod's city and tower; Turning clay into bricks; Vs fitted stones; Bringing the bible into your reality; "Praise"; Children of God; "Begotten"?; The source of you doctrine; "Son of God"?; Born again workers of iniquity?; Babylon and Social Security; Giving power to government; Biblical constitutions; Forcing your neighbor; FDR "Notice" Aug 14, 1935; Thomas Sowell quote on Social Security; Desiring man's benefits; Legal (forced) charity; What Jesus DID; What Moses DID; Searching for the whole truth; Having one language?; Eating from the Tree of Knowledge; Loving the truth; Or sitting in darkness; Denying Christ; Repentance; Forgiveness; Following Holy Spirit; Overwhelming proof; Willingness to believe you're wrong; Identifying meaning in words; Pax Romana; Recognizing deceit; Condemnation; Entitlements?; How you MIGHT be saved; Your opposition to Christ; True Christians won't covet neighbors' goods; Conditions of the soul; The solution; Selfish superiority; Social welfare based on love; The "name" of Christ; "Breeches"; Linen; Hackling flax; Loving neighbor as much as self; Freewill; Replace legal charity with fervent charity; Christ's instructions; How we went wrong; Why we gather; What's important?; Causing bondage; Power to stop demons; Spiritual armor; End result cultivated by state social welfare; Daily ministration of love; Come together as Christ COMMANDED.