7/9/22: Withdrawing from the Kingdom
Mystery Babylon; Mark of the Beast; Sharing this information with you; Tree of life; Born again; Holy Spirit; Nicolaitans and Error of Baalam; Setting down your misunderstandings; Withdrawing consent?; Church establishment; Confessing; Conforming to Christ; Licensing your minister; Elders; Freely assembling; Tens, Hundreds and Thousands; Making records; Obeying the truth; Opportunity to love your neighbor; Eph 2:7; Works are evidence of Faith; Authority of the Scripture; Misinterpreting Paul; "Begotten Son"; Mt 16:16; Bearing fruit; "Praise"; Perfect law of liberty; "Belief"; Christ' criteria; Warning of incorrect direction; Making rules; Participating workers; "Contact Minister"; "Congregation"; God's trust; Giving up your dominion; Membership; Protecting your right to choose; Votive offerings; Gather together.