8/19/23: Misunderstandings Producing False Doctrine
Ezra/Nehemiah linking to many other books; Common (misunderstood) theme in the bible; Pharisee syndrome; Misunderstandings producing false doctrine; Saving ourselves?; "Confess"; Things we DO; Meanings of words in context; "Done away with"?; "Corban"; First fruits; Levites; Social welfare snare; Goats?; Sacrificing on altars; "Nissi" goddess; Society's sickness; Debating existence of God; His Holy Church Internet presence; Living Network; The table of Caesar; Trust law; Robbing widows and orphans; Inflation; Income tax; Social Security; Gen 15:9; She-goat = "strong"; Turtledove = "piece of your estate"; Honor = "fatten"; "Nethinim"; Mere servants?; Forced offerings = bondage of Egypt; God not hearing you; "gods"; ayin-zayin; Hewing stones; "Leaven"; Milk and meat; Red heifer; Gregory's background; Weakening the people; Socialism; Learning the teachings of Moses and Christ; Lev 7:23; Christ's instructions; Seek His kingdom FIRST; Gather in Tens, Hundreds and Thousands; Share; Synagogues; Walking by faith and the perfect law of liberty; Holy Spirit; Divine inspiration; Christ's "seventy"; Setting men free; Loving the light; Spirit and truth; Being doers of the word; Nakedness and breeches?; Owning your responsibility; "Micro"; Burning Bush Festival - Camping event; Leve 7:23 - eating no fat?; Sophistry; Intentional ambiguity; Organizing yourselves; Power remaining with the people; Free assemblies; Symbolism; shin-vav-resh; Meaningful letters; Separating lies from truth; Joseph's inspiration; Reassigning meaning of words; Legal robbery; Sanhedrin; "scapegoat"; Being strong; "zayin" = service, nourish, setting men free; "ayin" = divine providence; Wrath of God; Loving neighbor; Helen Keller story; Kindness; How to be a part of God's kingdom; Pharisees, Sadducees, Essenes, Zealots; Making the word of God to effect; Chasing goats?; Limiting your biblical understanding; Practicality; Do the will of the Father.