8/21/10: Strong Delusion

Kingdom of God from the beginning, Able, Noah, Abraham, ekklesia in those days, "Altars" defined, Moses and the promised land, Why don't we understand today?, Tithing, Baptized by Christ = kicked out of synagogue, Kingdom vs Church, 2 systems at war today, Rome = worship the emperor, President is a god - apotheos, Deification, Today's system is un-Christian and un-Jewish and un-Koran and un-Hindu..., Do good Samaritans dial 911?, Gregory's personal stories, Today's church is a social club, Love while in church but go home and pray to benefactors, Strong Delusion, The weightier matters, Benefits at the expense of your neighbor, Are governments ordained by God?, The spirit of Cain, Churches misled, Jesus' family, Who was king in Jerusalem at Christ's time?, The Gospel of the Kingdom - not a popular message, Personal Declaration of Independence, Insurance?, Super weeds!, Do you love your neighbor? Then DO it!, Woe unto preachers, Stop following those who don't preach the kingdom, Repent! Seek the Kingdom! Find others!

Om Podcasten

"Keys of the Kingdom" is a 1 hour (now 2 hour) radio program produced by Brother Gregory of His Holy Church. This program is devoted to talking about the Kingdom of God - what it is, where it is, and how to get there. Christ said that the Kingdom of God is at hand. Which means you can reach out and touch it. He told the Pharisees he would take the Kingdom from them and give it to a nation who would bring forth the fruits thereof. He appointed unto his "little flock" (apostles) a Kingdom. He told us to seek FIRST the Kingdom of God and His righteousness. This means now, not waiting until after we die. Does this sound good to you? Then listen further... "Keys of the Kingdom" is broadcast weekly (Saturday mornings - 10AM Central Time) on First Amendment Radio. First Amendment Radio retains exclusive rights to the program for 9 days from airing, then we can make it available to you.