8/28/21: Soft Despotism
Festivals driven by the people; Force and fear; Stopping the nonsense; Do your own research; Meat?; Benefactors; Lk 22:25; Christ's rules; Sacrifice; Judean welfare; "Soft" Despotism; Egoism; Connecting in a network; Developing the skills of freedom; Prov 23; "Dainties"; Meats given; Right to steal?; Who is tithing?; Traveling ministry; Paul, tentmaker; Scientific warnings; Perversion; Becoming savages; Sureties for debt; Hearing one another; Tutelary Church?; Who are your guardians?; Dishonest elections; Sovereign people; Gathering to help each other - rich and poor; Gratitude?; Moral ties; Willful sacrifice; Guaranteeing life without happiness; Wages of unrighteousness.